When we say “Go Benjamin, then go anywhere” we are often referring to the great potential of our latest graduates, but this month, our tagline has me thinking of the wonderful places our students go throughout the year. Just this month, second graders took a trip to the local manatee lagoon to see our local “sea cows”. Middle School artists spent the day at Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, which displays over 100 of the artist’s monuments, and first graders visited a local gem, the Society of the Four Arts.
Upper School students were quite busy traveling during the month, as well. Our college counseling team took a group to visit Rollins College and the University of Central Florida. The trip allowed over 40 students the chance to see both a large, state university and a small, liberal arts college. A group of students also traveled to Boston to compete in Harvard Model Congress.
And while this is an impressive list of field trips for the short month of February, I am even more amazed to share that most of our unique travel opportunities are yet to come. Up next, students head to St. Augustine, Big Pine Key, and Washington, D.C. Benjamin students truly go everywhere!