In an unpredictable world, we are often challenged to deal with news and events that are devastating or upsetting. When global or local incidents occur, The Benjamin School is prepared to help any students, teachers, or families who need help processing these events.
In addition to contacting your division’s Student Services team directly, we have collated the following resources that may help in a time of need:
Remember that children take the lead from the significant adults in their lives, their parents being the most important. It is by our example that children learn healthy coping skills that will benefit them now and throughout their lives. You can help your children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security, by talking with them about their fears, and by validating their feelings.
Establish open communication with your children and let them know it is acceptable to ask questions. Silence is not comforting. Begin by asking your children what they have heard so far and use that as a starting place. Clear up any misinformation. Be honest with them, but share only as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
Reassure your children that their feelings are okay, including feeling sad, afraid, worried, or angry. Listen and validate their feelings and assist them in expressing these appropriately. Share your own feelings with your children and the strategies you are using to cope with them, again keeping in mind the developmental appropriateness of your conversation.
While basic information may be helpful, they do not benefit from graphic details or exposure to disturbing images and constant reporting.