Reading, Grade 6
8:30- 10:30am
Fees: $300
Reading, Grades 7
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Fees: $300
Reading, Grades 8
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Fees: $300
Reading, Grades 9
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Fees: $300
Reading for Understanding Grades 6th, 7th and 8th
Description: Students will understand the techniques for analyzing literature, the elements of fiction, how to annotate the reading, vocabulary, and expression. A syllabus will be provided to each student for the two week class. All students are responsible to start the summer reading prior to the beginning of class. If a student can only attend the second week, they are responsible for acquiring a syllabus and completing the first week's reading assignments. Non-Benjamin students should provide their own summer reading list to the teacher prior to the start of class. This class offers a great opportunity to "chip away" at the summer reading requirements for each grade level.
Reading for Understanding Grade 9
Description: Students are expected to have started the required reading book for their grade level and may be required to keep a journal. The first week, students will review the text while focusing on writing basics including; vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Students will also discuss essential pre-writing steps (ideas, brainstorms, outlines and maps), while also establishing what it takes for quality writing. Students will complete a series of small writing assignments for practice and finish the second week with a five paragraph essay regarding the summer reading book.
Math, Grades 6-8
10:45-12:00 p.m.
Fees: $150
Math, Grades 7-9
10:45-12:00 p.m.
Fees: $150
General Math/Pre-Algebra (Entering grades 6-8) Description: Have you completed your math summer packet yet? Would you like to review before school begins? We will be covering such exciting topics as the fundamental operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent's, word problems, and algebraic operations. We will also be completing the "Summer Enrichment Packet" and help you prepare for the new school year.
Algebra 1 (Entering Grades 7-9th)
Description: This course is designed to help students who are entering Algebra I or have completed Algebra I and simply want to strengthen their skills before entering Geometry or Algebra II and begin their summer math packet.