To kick off December, the upper school hosted their annual
Winter Holiday Assembly in Benjamin Hall. I was proud to be part of this annual event during which faculty and students shared their holiday traditions.
I was struck by the diversity of talent, experience, and beliefs that all coexist within the Benjamin community. From Hanukkah celebrations to Christmas remembrances and Kwanzaa traditions, it was great to listen and learn from fellow members of the TBS community.
This willingness to engage with one another strengthens our community and is a special attribute of Benjamin.
I not only enjoyed Head of Upper School Fletcher Carr’s “ugly Christmas sweater,” but his holiday message about the excitement and nostalgia the holidays bring and the sense of wonder and promise that accompanies the season.
The Dazzlers, choral students, chamber ensemble, and concert band gave rollicking holiday performances that were enjoyed by all.
Students Arianna Ferry, Jonathan Vidal, and Diversity Council members Victoria Powell, Zariah Hands, and Chancellor Reddick, all shared their holiday traditions along with faculty members Mrs. Solomon and Ms. Misselhorn. While each message was equally important and powerful, the one that stuck with me most, and that I hope you carry with you this holiday season, was the following shared by Mrs. Solomon:
“Stay close to the people who give your heart a home. No matter where you are, you will always be home for the holidays.”